Teaching Philosophy

My Teaching Philosophy

Rebecca Lowery, M.Ed.

I believe learning is a lifelong process.
Therefore, I will model that I too am in a constant state of learning. I will read, write, and study right alongside them as I too pursue lifelong learning and equip them with those same strategies and tools I use to self-direct my own learning.
I believe all students are capable learners.
Therefore, I will communicate that daily and provide opportunities to ensure students can and will be successful, especially when they see the value and relevance in what they are expected to learn.
I believe students need to see value and relevance in the concept being taught.
Therefore, I will  be committed to take the time to create culturally relevant and challenging materials and activities that meet the needs of my diverse and unique learners. I will make objectives known, pull from personal experiences, create goals, teach analytical skills, critical thinking, research, and study skills. I will provide opportunities for collaborative activities, discussions, and problem solving activities. I will create meaningful tasks where I assign and assess with purpose and with the end goal in mind - making that known to students. Also, I will begin the learning process with making connections, asking questions, and tapping into student’s background knowledge, which I believe is key in helping them see the value, relevance and that they are capable of learning.
I believe classroom expectations should be high, clear, and consistent.
Therefore, I will take the time to communicate the expectations and guidelines during the first days of school, practice these expectations until they become habit, and then being consistent in following through with these expectations.
I believe in taking the time to develop a classroom community.
Therefore, I will take the time to know individual students - their home life, their culture, what they believe - all of which shape what they say and do in all aspects of life. I will do what it takes to create a classroom where students want to be, where they feel safe to express themselves, have a sense of ownership, and where there are learning opportunities that inspire students to do their best work - collaboratively and individually.
I believe parental involvement is key to a student’s success.
Therefore, I will make every effort to communicate expectations, issues, and praises clearly and timely. When needed, I will also give them the tools necessary to help their student.
I believe the best learning occurs when teachers, students, administration, and parents work together.
Therefore, I will strive to communicate well, remain respectful, and build trust between us in what is said or done with or without their presence.
I believe reading and writing skills play the biggest role in providing well-rounded education.
Therefore, I will help students see the reciprocal relationship that exists between reading and writing. That one cannot read well without writing well, or write well without first being a reader. Great learners must master both in order to be successful learners; for one cannot be a scientist, mathematician, historian, or pursue any field well without first having learned the value of reading and writing.
I believe that teaching is a work of heart.
Therefore, I will recognize that every student has value, and is valued. Every student has a purpose and needs purpose. Every story, every heart issue, every personal experience, everyone’s ability to express themselves matters deeply.

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