Writing Prompts

There are countless ideas to inspire writing. First and foremost is reading. Reading is at the core of all other professions, subject areas, and at the heart of being a life-long learner. Without reading, an author, student, teacher, doctor, &etc. is mediocre. One of the most popular authors of our time, Stephen King, attests to this,
"If you don't have time to read, you don't have the time (or the tools) to write. Simple as that.
So I encourage you to begin each class period with personal reading time. Without warming up, muscles do not perform. Reading is the warm-up to writing.

Apart from reading there are many things that can ignite ideas. Sometimes it's a smell (i.e. homemade bread or vanilla conjures many feelings and memories for me), sometimes it's an image, sometimes it's a simple phrase or one word that inspires writers to write. Each week I hope to share some prompts (images included) for other teachers to use too!

This is the archive where you'll find them organized by category. Use 'em up and share them with others!

Descriptive Prompts

One Word Prompts

Picture Prompts



Sentence Starters


Visit my Pinterest board for more ideas: https://www.pinterest.com/rafikeys/prompts/

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